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What is Epi-LASIK?
日期:2010年11月05日 访问次数: 作者:复明眼科 来源:复明眼科网

  Epi-LASIK/"LASEK" is performed to correct nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Epi-Lasik/"LASEK" combines the advantages of two of the most commonly performed vision correction procedures - LASIK and PRK. We offer Epi-Lasik/"LASEK" at Chicago Cornea Consultants as a viable alternative to reducing or eliminating your need for glasses.

  Epi-LASIK/"LASEK" is similar to LASIK, in that both use a laser to reshape the cornea of the eye. The main difference is that during Epi-LASIK/"LASEK", a very thin flap is made in the epithelium of the eye. Epi-LASIK/"LASEK" is usually recommended for patients with thin corneas or large pupils. Vision results for Epi-Lasik/"LASEK" are very similar to LASIK, and it is a great option for patients where Lasik might cause undue risk.

  During Epi-Lasik/"LASEK" at Chicago Cornea Consultants, the surgeon uses a tiny instrument to lift the edge of the epithelial flap and gently fold it back out of the way. The excimer laser, as in Lasik or PRK, is then used to "sculpt" the corneal tissue underneath. Afterward, the epithelial flap is placed back on the surface of the cornea with a spatula.

  Epi-Lasik/"LASEK" is safer for patients with high corrections and/or thin corneas, but eye irritation is more common and recovery times are longer than conventional Lasik, requiring up to seven days to attain "good vision."

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